Yoni Steaming The Bare Haus

WTF is Yoni Steaming?

The idea of vaginal steaming really provokes different reactions from everyone. Trust me, I have been doing pop-ups throughout Miami and people are shocked 9/10 times when I tell them what it is. LOL

Throughout the course of our lives, our vaginas and reproductive systems go through a lot. Our diet, lifestyle, moon cycle, intercourse, and giving birth can put a lot of stress on the vagina and uterus. Many people also struggle with issues such as imbalances leading to infections, painful sex, infertility, pelvic floor issues, changing hormones, endometriosis, and other factors that can contribute to physical discomfort and emotional distress. 

Yoni Steaming chrissyteigen

The practice of steaming your vagina really goes back to the times of cleopatra. Yes, she even possibly could’ve been steaming her kitty. This centuries-old process combines herbs, steam, and relaxation, creating a “steam” that carries the medicinal benefits of herbs, plants, and essential oils to the vagina and reproductive system. The moist heat opens the pores of the body allowing amazing absorption into your bloodstream and provides a direct healing effect on the reproductive system.  Vaginal tissue has amazing absorption properties.  In fact, it is the most absorbent tissue of the body, therefore providing an excellent method for introducing healing properties to your entire body system.

What does it do?

The purpose of steaming can really be endless. Yoni steaming helps with

  •  Reduce the pain, bloating, and exhaustion that often comes with having periods

  • Regulate menstrual cycles

  • Increases the possibility of pregnancy (in some cases)

  • Tone the area after childbirth; helps heal an episiotomy and helps with the C-Section recovery

  • Reduce chronic yeast infections, menopause symptoms and other vaginal related  issues.

  • Helps maintain a healthy odor + PH

  • Increases sexual energy

  • Helps aid with PCOS, Uterine Fibroids, Ovarian cysts, muscle weakness in the area, prolapse and endometriosis

  • Decrease vaginal dryness

  • Detoxify your entire body

  • Increase your weight loss potential

The Bare Haus Yoni Steam

How long should I do it for?

The Yoni steam process involves sitting over a steaming pot of herb-infused water, for about 15-30 minutes.. As the steam rises and the herbs penetrate vaginal tissue, it is thought that the vagina and uterus are cleansed and soothed.

How often?

I always recommend one week before your period and after your period, so twice a month. If you have really bad PMS symptoms I would recommend 2-3 times before your cycles. If you are struggling with other reproductive system situations I would recommend 3-4 times a month. If you are trying to get pregnant, I would recommend 2-4 times during pre-ovulation.  Ultimately, the frequency at which you choose to yoni steam depends on your personal needs, comfort level, and cycle.

How do I do it?
Place the bowl on the floor and wrap a towel around your waist to trap the steam. Wrap another towel around the pot to protect your legs from the heat, and kneel with your knees on either side of the pot for about 15- 30 minutes.

Interested in Yoni steaming? Check out our Yoni Blend

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If a client is 69 and wants to rid herself of past lovers energy how often per week to recommend?


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